Revolutionizing the Traditional Financial Advisory Model

With years of unwavering commitment and unparalleled expertise, we are your beacon of excellence in providing a comprehensive suite of financial services and dealmaking solutions exclusively tailored for the dynamic landscape of the cannabis sector.

At Strike, we do things differently. Our extensive industry rolodex reads like a who's who of the cannabis world. With relationships forged over a decade, we open doors that others can't even find. Our far-reaching connections offer you unparalleled opportunities, making the seemingly impossible deals not just possible, but profitable.

For more than 10 years, Strike principles have been at the forefront of the cannabis industry's financial evolution, steering many private companies towards prosperity, growth and outsized results. Our experience isn't just a number; it's a testament to the resilience and adaptability we bring to every challenging and complex transaction. From mergers and acquisitions to debt financing, capital raising and payment processing, we've sculpted success stories that define the industry's future.

We understand that it's more important than ever to help our partners and clients adapt to behavioral and industry-specific changes being driven by political and regulatory shifts in the marketplace, and by combining traditional financial services with an unmatched set of relationships and creative dealmaking strategies, we know how to do that better than anyone else.